About Me

I'm an accountancy student in Malayan Colleges Laguna. I have lots of dreams and aspirations... I'll achieve them, you'll see...no matter what...

Monday, August 13, 2007

6th Meeting

A Reaction:

My reaction on the film "An Inconvenient Truth", starring Al Gore and directed by Davis Guggenheim.
I found this film very informative and striking. But the most shocking or let's say very alarming thing in it is its revelation of the possible melting of the polar ice caps that can lead to the flooding of a great surface of the Earth. Ofcourse I don't want that to happen. I think nobody wants that to happen. Earth is the place where we live and we have no alternative that's why we have to tkae care of it. But I felt sad because some people seemed not affected at all about this.
After watching the film, I became more aware and concerned to the global problems that we're facing today. I want to join the campaign for solving this environmental threat. Although I believe that this ice melting incident will not happen. I know that sooner every human being will pay more attention to it because we are experiencing its tremendous effects now. So we shoul act, and the sooner the better. I will personally start on simple things like recycling and consuming energy, water and electricity. I will not stop on sharing all my knowledge on this issue to other people because if we all work together we an save Mother Earth!

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