About Me

I'm an accountancy student in Malayan Colleges Laguna. I have lots of dreams and aspirations... I'll achieve them, you'll see...no matter what...

Friday, August 31, 2007

10th Meeting

Journal Writing

1. Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.
- The peer pressure that I’ve experienced in my high school was everytime my classmates plan to go to “ilaya” or stroll around the town. Almost all of them were going so they’re asking me to go with them.
2. How did you react to it? Why?
- If I don’t want to go with them, I say no. And that’s final. They know me, if I said I don’t like to do something they know it’s the truth and they’ll let me with my decision.
3. How did you feel about your reaction/decision?
- I feel good about it. At a young age, I know how to stick to my decision and I can’t be easily persuaded by other people especially my peers.
4. What have you learned/realized from your experience?
- I learned that in every decision that we’re going to make, it’s important that we’ll stick to it especially when it comes to peer pressure. I know this is the good thing to do and I’ll always make sure that I’ll practice it for the rest of my life.

Monday, August 13, 2007

8th Meeting

Challenging Yourself

Admitting your mistakes is quite hard to do. I myself also have a difficulty on doing this. But I know for sure that admitting mistakes is the right thing. Taking this challenge, I realized that it's not really hard at all. All I have to do is be calm and not to be hard ont hings that I do and planned to do. Because sometimes when we take things very seriously and we didn't accomplished it we will feel very down. But if we do it lightheartedly, we can make it easily or if not our feelings will not be that hurt.
And so I decided to really beat myself on it. Fortunately, I did and I felt great about it. I've finally overcome one of my weaknesses. Now I know that I'm really growing mentally, emotionally, and socially. And because of my awareness of the advantages and importance of admitting mistakes, I will do my best to continue and develop this good attitude. I know it's for my own good that's why I will not let myself be defeated again by my own cowardness.

7th Meeting


It's always good to have yourself assessed and evaluated. Because through this you'll be aware of your strength and especially your weaknesses so that you'll be able to develop them. As to my personal health assessment, I realized that I have to pay more attention to my health. Sometimes because of the stresses and the busy schedules that my studies have brought me, I forgot to eat on time and drink plenty of water which I know is important to us. I've already seen and felt signs and traces of the disadvantages this bad habits gave me and so I decided to deal with this as soon as I can. I planned to be extre-conscious on my diet schedule and I will be more disciplined on mw daily water intake and other health-related habits.

6th Meeting

A Reaction:

My reaction on the film "An Inconvenient Truth", starring Al Gore and directed by Davis Guggenheim.
I found this film very informative and striking. But the most shocking or let's say very alarming thing in it is its revelation of the possible melting of the polar ice caps that can lead to the flooding of a great surface of the Earth. Ofcourse I don't want that to happen. I think nobody wants that to happen. Earth is the place where we live and we have no alternative that's why we have to tkae care of it. But I felt sad because some people seemed not affected at all about this.
After watching the film, I became more aware and concerned to the global problems that we're facing today. I want to join the campaign for solving this environmental threat. Although I believe that this ice melting incident will not happen. I know that sooner every human being will pay more attention to it because we are experiencing its tremendous effects now. So we shoul act, and the sooner the better. I will personally start on simple things like recycling and consuming energy, water and electricity. I will not stop on sharing all my knowledge on this issue to other people because if we all work together we an save Mother Earth!

5th Meeting

The Most Challenging Thing I Have Ever Accomplished

I always write essays, poems, and stories especially when I was in highschool. I have won essay writing contests back then. But eventually, when my my highschool life was coming to an end I am faced to a different task - to write my own speech.
Eversince I was a child, my dad wrote my speeches, valedictory speeches in pre-elementary and elementary grades. But, when a tragic incident happened. My dad passed away a week before the start of the school year 2006-2007. I can say that it was the hardest and most painful part experience I ever had. I was very close to him and he was such a very good father, friend and model to me.
As a result, I have no choice but to write on my own. My mom did help but in the end I finished the speech alone and I'm proud of it. That writing experience is kinda hard because everytime I tried to write waht's on my head my eyes were filled with tears. Actually, he is my inspiration on that speech and everything that I do now is also for him. That's why I promised myself to be strong and to face bravely whatever might come on my way towards success and excellence.

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